Research Institute of Visual Computing

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RIVIC papers accepted at SIGGRAPH 2014

RIVIC papers accepted at SIGGRAPH 2014

Congratulations to all the authors of the following 3 papers which were accepted at SIGGRAPH 2014.

Diffusion Pruning for Rapidly and Robustly Selecting Global
Gary K. L. Tam (Cardiff University and Swansea University), Ralph Martin, Paul L. Rosin, Yu-Kun Lai (Cardiff University) -

Mesh saliency via spectral processing
Ran Song, Yonghuai Liu (Aberystwyth University), Ralph Martin, Paul L. Rosin, (Cardiff University)

Simulating and compensating changes in appearance between day and night vision
Robert Wanat - Bangor University; Rafal Mantiuk - Bangor University
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