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Mixing Monte Carlo and Progressive Rendering for Improved Global Illumination

Authors: Ian C. Doidge, Mark W. Jones, Benjamin Mora

DOI: 10.1007/s00371-012-0703-2


In this paper we seek to eliminate the noise caused by caustic paths during progressive Monte Carlo path tracing. We employ a ltering strategy over path space, handling each subspace using specialised deriva-tions of path tracing and progressive photon mapping.

Evaluating di use paths with path tracing allows the use of sample strati cation over both pixels and the image as a whole, whilst sharp detailed caustics are produced using progressive photon mapping. This is an ecient, low noise progressive algorithm with vanish-
ing bias combining the advantages of both Monte Carlo methods, and particle tracing.

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Dr Mark Jones

Dr Mark Jones

Photon mapping, ray tracing, global illumination, visualization, kernel density estimation, accelerometry data, transfer functions, probability density functions, clustering.