Dr Tudur Davies

Name: Tudur Davies
Lecturer at Aberystwyth
Email: itd@aber.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0) 1970 622 813
Current interests
Visualization of two dimensional simulations of sedimenting discs and ellipses in dry foams.
Example Research Title:
Visualization and Modelling of Comple Materials
Modelling a foam’s response to the sedimentation of solid objects by simulation.
Application Area:
In microfluidics for example – can we control the motion of a sphere by the type of foam we choose?
Extract foam topology from three dimensional images obtained from experiment (conducted by collaborators at Rennes) through x-ray tomography. Process the images using ImageJ/Avizo and reconstruct for use in Surface Evolver (software used in simulations). Visualize data in three dimensions using Avizo.
Simulate the sedimentation of spheres in ordered and disordered foams using Surface Evolver.
Looking for Commercial Partners:
To support and develop new projects in microfluidics and ordered foams.
Collaboration: Robert Laramee and Dan Lipsa at Swansea University – development of visualization of two-dimensional simulations.