
There are many applications of visual computing in the medical domain and this is a particular area of specialism within RIVIC. Expertise ranges from medical image processing, segmentation, and volume rendering techniques; through to interactive tools for training, planning and rehearsal of medical procedures. RIVIC researchers also won funding to run an Advanced Medical Imaging and Visualization Unit. (Embed link to web site)
Advanced Interfaces for Surgical Interventions
The development and use of medical virtual environments is one of the major research themes within RIVIC.
Advanced Medical Imaging and Visualization Unit
The unit work with projects where imaging and visualization technologies can provide added value to medical applications.
Fly4PET: Fly Algorithm in PET Reconstruction for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning
This project is focused on developing new software technologies for lung cancer treatment and it is based on accurate physical models implemented using high performance computing.
Naturally Viewed 3D Displays
The NV3D display system is designed as a natural view, auto stereo display system which uses up to 36 projectors to piece together different images to different viewpoints located in front of its display screen.
Point Based Modelling and Simulation - Sampling
A low-discrepancy, blue-noise point set represents a continuous geometric object well, minimising discretisation artefacts.
Quantifying image quality in computer graphics
This project is indented to provide means of comparing computer graphics results in a possibly effective and accurate way.