Dr Robert S Laramee

Name: Robert S Laramee
Associate Professor at Swansea
Email: r.s.laramee@swansea.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)1792 602 609
Current interests
Data visualization including information visualization, flow visualization, and tensor field visualization.
Example Research Title:
Interdisciplinary Data Visualization Projects We are interested in carrying out research in the area of data visualisation with an industry partner. Data visualisation exploits the power of both commodity computer graphics and the human visual system in order to convey meaning and insight into large collections of data. In other words, visualisation generates meaningful pictures that provide much more insight and meaning than, say, looking at a large spreadsheet with thousands of raw numbers on it. Data visualisation can summarize, thousands, millions, billions or more numbers very rapidly through the use of computer generated graphics.
These graphics convey meaning and insight much more effectively via the visual system.
Looking for Commercial Partners:
To support or develop new projects involving visualization of large data sets.