Dr Xianfang Sun

Name: Xianfang Sun
Lecturer at Cardiff
Email: Xianfang.Sun@cs.cardiff.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0) 29 20879355
Current interests
Graphics, image processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition. Seek to apply advanced control theory and methodology in visual computing.
Example Research Title:
Automatic Bas-relief Generation From 3D models or images to Bas-reliefs Application Area: Coin and souvenir manufacturing, architecture sculpture, advertisement and art package.
Surface height compression techniques to generate bas-reliefs with hi-fidelity 3D impression from 3D models. Shape-from-shading techniques to produce surface shape from images. Combination of shapefrom-shading and surface height compression techniques to generate bas-reliefs directly from images.
Looking for Commercial Partners:
To support software development, sample sculpting, and final product commercialisation.